Thursday, October 16, 2008

its getting closer!

Its finally getting closer! I am so tired of being pregnant! I only have one month and two days left! yeah! The kids went hunting with Colin yesterday. Both of them went and he still got his limit! Taylee was sooo excited that she got to sit in the boat (its really just like a sled). But now they are covered in misquito bites poor babys! They had Fun though, it was about time colin got out that was his first duck hunt of the year and its been open for a week or two. I was gettting ready to check his forehead to see if he had a fevor cause ussually he has decoys scattered all over my lawn days before the hunt begins!
Cameron did well at parent teacher conferences except he has excessive tardys(hes only in Kindergarten!) because his mother didn't realize she was getting him there late every day! His teacher is kind of a natzi.
Taylee is saying a prayer right now! she does random stuff like that all the time. She says help us to be good, help us to be nice to the kitties, help us to be nice to Jesus. Amen! She is such a sweet heart, At least when she is not kicking or biting her brother.
Good news I didnt have to get rid of my kitties after all. Colin threatened to throw them in the river if i didnt get rid of them because they were poopin in the house. But then i made a deal with him that he could buy a new xbox controler if i could keep them and it worked and they havent been having very many accidents since then so Taylee is excited. It wouldbreak her little heart to get rid of them she loves them more then life!


The Andersons

The Andersons
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